Help for Multiplication woes

Many students struggle to master multiplication facts. Memorization is often difficult for kids who have dyslexia. Teachers and parents spend a lot of time on them — starting late second grade, working hard in third, and still focusing on them in 4th. After that, if not sooner, people just give up, and hand the child a chart of facts. But there’s no better way to kill a child’s future in mathematics than giving up on fast fact recall. Think about it. How can you easily handle multiplying, dividing, and reducing fractions; calculating area; understanding percents; averaging figures; and on and on. If you can’t quickly come up with the needed multiplication fact, it all bogs down.

It doesn’t have to be so hard! Help your kids start this new year with confident mastery of facts. There are so many cool strategies in my Get the Facts book that can help get them off to a fast start, without tedious, tearful attempts at memorizing. Strategies build their confidence to continue with the small number of remaining combinations. Don’t give up, get ready. Do it with strategies that work and always lead to the correct answer. Get the Facts is great for 3rd graders, but perfect for 8th too. If your student hasn’t learned the facts, try these strategies!


Choose Alphabet Carefully


Review By Generational Womanhood